dentist Adelaide


1/186, Main Road
Phone: (08) 8178 1190

The best way for teens to enjoy a nice smile and healthy teeth is to continue the good oral habits started early in childhood. Whether or not you wear braces or other orthodontic treatment, it is important to:

Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque. Plaque is the main cause of tooth decay and gum disease.

Floss daily to remove plaque from between your teeth and below your gumline. If plaque is not removed daily, it can harden into tartar: an unsightly, hard yellow build-up.

Limit sugary or starchy foods and drinks, especially sticky snacks.

Visit the dentist regularly for professional cleanings and check-ups.

In addition to helping teeth last a lifetime, a clean mouth simply makes you feel good. It also gives you fresher breath and a nicer looking smile.


Many pre-teens and teens undergo braces to fix crowded or crooked teeth and poor jaw alignment. Crowded teeth can make cleaning more difficult. An orthodontic evaluation will determine if you need braces, and what type of treatment is right for you. If you wear braces, extra care must be taken to properly clean your teeth

Mouth Guards

If you play sports, mouth guards are critical to protecting your smile. These devices typically cover the upper teeth, and are designed to protect against broken teeth, cut lips and other damage to your mouth. If you wear braces or other fixed dental appliances on your lower jaw, such as a bridge, our dentist may suggest a mouth protector for these teeth as well.

Which Type Of mouth Guard Should I wear?

First Aid For a Damaged Tooth

Oral Piercing

Despite its popularity, oral piercing can cause complications such as infections, uncontrollable bleeding and nerve damage. You can also choke on studs, barbells, or hoops that come loose. Metal jewellery is also capable of chipping or cracking teeth and damaging your gums. If you are considering oral piercing, talk to our dental professional so he or she can help you make the safest choices.

Whiter Teeth

Thorough cleanings by a dental professional will remove most external staining caused by food and tobacco. The use of whitening toothpaste can also help remove these surface stains between dental visits. If stains have been present for years, you may need to have your teeth professionally whitened to remove these more stubborn external stains. Internal stains can be bleached, bonded or capped (crowned). While each of these methods is safe and effective, our dentist will recommend which treatment is appropriate for you depending on the state of your teeth and the results that you wish to achieve.

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