A ceramic dental crown is a full protective cover which permanently sits over the tooth and looks just like a real tooth – sometimes even better! A crown can make the tooth stronger, better looking and reduce the risk of breakage.
At Tooth Zone ceramic dental crowns are used as they stronger and more esthetic as and have compared to older style crowns such as gold or porcelain fused to metal crowns, which often over time show darker areas around the gum line. These beautiful ceramic crowns are made by our most trusted and skilled dental health ceramic technicians, who have a wealth of dental experience being years in service. The crown replicates the look of a healthy, natural tooth, in size, shape, colour, shine and transparency.
In cosmetic cases in the front teeth ceramic crowns can be used to restore a beautiful but natural smile like you wished you had! The goal is to make your teeth look wonderful without making them “stand out”. Careful planning is used with your feedback to provide a great result you will be happy with.